What pushes us forward when life puts us back?
It’s all about resilience, the ability to withstand adversity. It’s what gives me the strength to process and overcome hardship, be it an everyday hurdle at work or at home – trust me, you’d also have to practise resilience on a daily basis if you were homeschooling two young daughters like I have been; or when helping clients who are going through a global crisis like the pandemic!
We can all agree that 2020 was a tough year. Even now, we’re still going through a challenging time: we’ve had to adapt to the “new normal” in different aspects of our lives, and, as we found in our
FTI Consulting's Resilience Barometer COVID-19 report, it’s no different for big business. C-suite leaders across the world are having to evolve their strategies or even change their business models in order to survive. Faced with disruptions to supply chains, drops in productivity, profitability and cash flow, and potentially permanent changes in consumer behaviour, resilience has become a key area of focus for companies in driving sustainable growth.