Free massages, free guitar classes and unlimited healthy food at the canteen – it’s just a sample of what it’s like to work at Google’s main campus, in California. While not all companies can offer these kinds of perks at work, many are following the trend of raising workers’ wellbeing, and for good reason: happy workers mean lower turnover and higher productivity and dedication.
Do you agree? What would help to improve your work life? Perhaps some of these trending office perks would help to ease your work stress.
Family comes first, and many people worry about needing time off to care for their loved ones. Most developed countries have laws requiring a number of paid maternity and paternity leave days, with some companies offering more than the legal number. Offering flexible hours or the chance to work from home occasionally are other parent-friendly policies that are becoming more common, especially in the tech world. Paid childcare, while it can take a huge load off workers’ minds, is still rare, however, we’re on our way, though: in Hong Kong, American Express offers employees who have young children subsidised off-site childcare and childcare reimbursements during business travel.
But maybe even that’s not enough. Employers can be inspired by accounting firm Deloitte, which offers its US employees 16 weeks of paid family leave. It could be used for caring for elderly relatives, spouses, extended family members, and children of any age.