6. Can’t put those snacks down? Switch them up for something wholesome
Eliminating unhealthy snacks with salt and refined sugar will make a real difference. Replace them with fresh nibbles and healthier options, such as vitamin-rich berries and plain nuts. Check out
Tong Chong Street Market in January and February, where organic ingredients take centre stage. Or, look to shops like O’Farm and Food for Life for a selection of organic snacks.
7. Move around wherever and whenever possible
Our sedentary lifestyle is linked to health issues like obesity, diabetes and heart disease, and weekly trips to the gym just aren’t enough to counteract the harm. The solution? Move more on a daily basis. Try walking meetings, aka conferences conducted between co-workers while on foot, and replace your coffee breaks with walking breaks – you’ll be surprised how a little fresh air and movement can reboot your system. On the way to work or back home, get off public transport one stop early and walk the rest of the way.