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We ask, you share: It’s all about books


A good book can take us to another world, enrich our mind and change lives. But in the midst of your hectic daily life do you still manage to read? We speak to people around Taikoo Place to find out what they are reading and why they think reading is important.

How often and when do you read? Which is your favourite genre?

Lisa Lai (Lincoln House, architecture): Not so much these days, but I read online. When I do read books, I enjoy dystopian literature.

Leena Chatlani (One Taikoo Place, media): Usually at night or on a commute. I like non-fiction – books for self-improvement.

Jeffrey Ticzon (Dorset House, telecommunications): Every night. I enjoy articles about sport, business and tech; for books I like business and fantasy.

Simon Chiu (One Taikoo Place, media): For the past couple of months I’ve been reading three times a week. I prefer comedy –  who doesn’t like a laugh? It’s a kind of light entertainment for me after a day of hard work.

Tony Wong (Devon House, insurance): Being a motivator I read a lot of books on personal development. I’m also reading about recruitment and behaviour analysis.

What are you currently reading? Do you have a book to recommend?

Cathy Hsieh (Dorset House, real estate): I recommend two books: fiction-wise I really enjoy The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared – it’s a fun read; and for non-fiction I’ve just finished Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know about Global Politics, which is a great introduction to geopolitics.

Julie Pourtoix (Dorset House, technology): Harry Potter – it’s my fifth time reading it! Why? It’s magical and fun.

Carol Leung (Cambridge House, media): I’m reading It’s So Easy. Let’s Speak Korean! My daughter recommended it to me because we both like Korean culture and I find it useful to learn the language.

Jin Lee (Dorset House, financial services): Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio, a famous investor and hedge fund manager. He gives very good advice.

Do you prefer books or do you read on an e-reader?

Cathy: I prefer e-readers because they are more eco-friendly.

Leena: I read on a Kindle when I’m travelling, but if I’m in Hong Kong, I’ll take a book with me because I like the feeling of turning pages.

Simon: E-readers are more convenient, but it’s only recently I’ve got back to reading real books. It feels nice to just browse around a bookstore and hold a book.

Why do you think it’s important to read?

Leena: Because it expands your mind and opens you up to the greater world out there. I also find it quite meditative.

Lisa: To get inspiration, expand your mind and knowledge.

Simon: It stimulates our imagination, and for me it’s more of an escapism activity.

Jeffrey: Most of the time I read articles to keep up with what’s going on around me, and books are for personal development or relaxation.

What do you think about the reading trends nowadays? Do you have any advice for the younger generation to cultivate a reading habit?

Julie: I think Hong Kong people are reading a lot, more so than people in Europe. My advice: read what you like, not what you’re told to read.

Jin: Habits are very important. Try to read something of quality every day even if it’s just five or 10 pages a day. The amount doesn’t matter; just do it.

Carol: As a mum I think it’s important to know what interests your kids and to find suitable materials for them to read. I also recommend reading together – it can be a bridge between parents and children as we read, grow and cultivate a hobby together.

Tony: People in Hong Kong aren’t reading nearly enough! Probably because kids are forced to read in school, so it becomes a source of pressure. Parents can help by rewarding this habit – for example, encourage them to read for half an hour before letting them watch cartoons.

Pick up a book or two at the Books for Love @ $10 charity sale on 25-28 April in Taikoo Place!

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